Alternative fuels could dominate by 2050

Alternative fuels could replace fossil fuels and make transport sustainable by 2050 according to a new European report.

The claims come from the European Expert Group on future transport fuels, in a report presented to the European Commission (EC and makes it clear that alternative fuels have the potential to gradually replace fossil energy sources and make transport sustainable by 2050.

The Expert Group has developed a comprehensive approach that covers the whole transport sector and the report will form part of the EC's policy revisions under its "intiative on clean transport systems" set for launch later this year.

According to the Expert Group, expected demand from all transport modes could be met through a combination of electricity (batteries or hydrogen/fuel cells) and biofuels as main options, synthetic fuels (increasingly from renewable resources) as a bridging option, methane (natural gas and biomethane) as complementary fuel, and LPG as supplement.

The EC's initiative intends to develop a consistent long-term strategy for fully meeting the energy demands of the transport sector from alternative and sustainable sources by 2050.