Man invents scooter that doubles as a suitcase

A Chinese man has patented a novel solution to long walks in airports


Ticket to ride Image:TechVehi

Johan Gutenberg's printing press spurred global literacy and allowed for the sharing of ideas on an unprecendented scale; Karl Benz let man the freedom to roam without horses through his internal combustion engine; and Thomas Edison illuminated the world with his electric lightbulb.

Enter into the ranks of these great men He Liangcai, a Chinese inventor whose lithium-battery-powered "scoot-case" could revolutionise the way we walk between gates and terminals at airports and traverse long railway platforms.

He, a private entrepreneur in charge of an auto parts company in Hebei, has now obtained a patent for his scooter suitcase, which boasts an impressive top speed of 12mph and can carry two adults at once. The mobile luggage unit is also equipped with GPS and a functioning burglar alarm.

The quirky inventor, who boasts little more than a primary school education certificate, dedicated more than a decade to his creation, but made his major breakthrough when he discovered the most suitable wheel technology to allow the scooter to fold.