Eco-marathon adds tribology award

Shell's famous fuel economy competition has included a lubes award for first time.

This year's Shell-backed fuel economy competition for students, the now famous Eco-marathon, has included a new off-track award to encourage students to think about the important role of engine oils in vehicle efficiency.


On track at the Americas Eco-Marathon Image: Shell

Winning the inaugural Shell Helix Tribology Award was the ITS Team 2 from Indonesia’s Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. The team used computer-aided simulations to determine friction and fuel economy and used also tribology to adjust design elements on their vehicle.

The global Eco-marathon began in the Americas, before moving across to Europe.  The Asian leg of the competition was, ironically, cancelled because of heavy pollution haze in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where it was due to take place in early July.

However, Shell has ensured that Asian students will still be able to demonstrate their expertise on home territory, with registration open for the re-scheduled event - which will now take place in Manila, Philippines, from February 2014.

The winners of the on-track prize for the Americas competition was the team from Laval University in Canada, with a staggering 1524.7km/litre consumption from their gasoline-powered Alerion Supermileage prototype vehicle.

Amongst the European runners, the gasoline-powered Microjoule-La Joliverie, run by students from Lajo Liverie school in France managed an even more incredible 2980.3km/l.