MasterCard identifies consumer 'digital personas'

A MasterCard survey has categorized consumer digital personalities.

The global payments company has defined consumers across the world by how much information they want to share and what they expect in return.

The five-month survey studied 9,000 online shoppers and created five different "digital personas" consumers adopt when they go online: Open Sharers, Simply Interactors, Solely Shoppers, Passive Users and Proactive Protectors.

A significant percentage of those surveyed (42%) will share personal data but each group has different shopping habits depending on the level and type of data they are prepared to disclose and how much they trust the organisation they are sharing it with.

According to Mastercard, digital personalities were also determined by levels of awareness of targeted marketing and the amount of time spent online.

While the survey's online personalities may offer marketers an alternative to demographics and web analytics, the statistics only reveal a snapshot view of consumers' online behaviour.